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Policy on age groups

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So, what if you're older or younger than the age range mentioned for a speed dating event? Well, at WeekendDating.com, we try to stick to what we advertise, but we do have some flexibility. If you're within two years of the specified age group, then we'd be happy to have you join us.

Let's say the event states that the maximum age is 49. In that case, even if you're 51, you can still attend a regular speed dating event. We want to create an inclusive environment where everyone can participate and have a good time.

Now, you might wonder why we require proof of age at the actual events. The reason is simple: we believe in fairness. It's important to us that we advertise accurately and deliver on our promises. Unfortunately, some other companies don't share the same values. They may have a policy of "if you don't tell, we won't tell" or brush off concerns by saying, "we're all adults here, it's no big deal."

But the truth is, when people inquire about an event, one of the first things they want to know is the age range of the attendees. It's a crucial factor in deciding whether to participate. We've heard countless complaints from people who attended other events, only to find out that the ages of the participants didn't match what was advertised. Sometimes, multiple age groups were mixed together, leaving attendees feeling cheated and disappointed.

At WeekendDating.com, we're committed to ensuring this kind of situation doesn't happen. We value honesty and integrity. If you lie about your age and it's discovered, you won't be allowed to participate in the event, and unfortunately, you won't receive a refund or credit towards another event.

You may have heard that some companies claim to verify age before the event using internet research. However, this method has its flaws. People can have common names, which can lead to inaccurate or misleading online records. Plus, when someone registers last minute, there simply isn't enough time to thoroughly verify their age. That's why we prioritize the verification process at the actual event, ensuring a fair and accurate representation of age groups.

So, rest assured that at a WeekendDating.com event, we strive to provide the experience we advertise and maintain a level of transparency that sets us apart from others in the industry.  Whether you're a Long Island single, an NYC single, or a Connecticut single, we want to create an enjoyable and genuine experience for you.

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