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Competitive Challenge

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Competitive challenge
Save $10 for first time customers
Selected events and genders

If you search the internet for speed dating companies, you will find yourself with many choices. Some are national companies that have events across the country and others such as WeekendDating.com service a few markets.   How do you know what company to go with?    The guidelines below should help  you. 
We are frequently told by participants who have tried other speed dating companies, that our events are the most enjoyable because we are the most organized and pay attention to the little details that matter.  Anyone can host a speed dating event, however hosting it the right way is a different story.       If you are a first time customer and have tried a competitors event within the last year, register for our event and provide the competitors receipt upon check in.  You will receive $10 cash on the spot.  The receipt must have YOUR name associated with it (credit card statement is ok). 

This $10 rebate is only valid for selected events/genders that are identified on the upcoming events page.
  Guidelines to selecting a speed dating company
  1. *Does the company have an updated website with a phone number to call should you have any questions? 
  2. Does the company require pre-payment for the events?  This is KEY.  Ensuring an equal gender balance is no easy task.  Although it is nice to just be able to show up and pay at the door, this system just does not work and consistently leads to a gender imbalance.
  3. *Does the organizer adhere to the age groups posted or do they have a policy of ""If you don't tell, we wont tell.""  Their is nothing worse than signing up for an event only to find that the people attending are way over or under the age groups posted.  That is false advertising.
  4. How do you receive your matches?  A few companies such as WeekendDating.com send the matches to you and do all the work, however many companies now force you to enter in your selections on the Internet after the event.  It is  a real pain to do the matching sometimes, but you paid for the event and shouldn't have to do the work.
  5. When do you receive your matches?  Ok, I really did not intend to be self serving when writing these guidelines, but nobody sends you your matches faster than we do.  You receive your matches the next morning, many times within hours after the event.  Some other companies also do a good job and send you the matches the next afternoon or evening.  However others require you to wait 48 hours or more because they force you to enter in your own matches and can not start sending results until giving people a chance to input selections.
  6. Do you receive one way matches, meaning if  someone picked you, but you didn't pick them, do you still find out?  It can sometimes be overwhelming meeting a lot of people very fast, and you may change your mind. 
  7. Do you get to meet EVERYONE at the event?  Some companies such as Weekenddating.com structure the event so that you meet everyone who attends.  However at other events, you only get to meet some of the attendees, but are encouraged to meet the others during a break period or afterwards.  That can still be a little awkward. 
  8. How long is each date?  I have seen everywhere from 3 minutes to 10 minutes, all depending on the philosophy of the company running the event.  Our philosophy is to have you meet more people (no more than 20) for less time (usually 4 or 5 minutes).  If you have an initial connection with someone, or are not sure after the 4 or 5 minutes, you can get to know the person afterwards or through email, but that important ice breaker has already taken place.  Dating is a numbers game.  

    Other groups have you meet 7 or 8 people for 7 or 8 minutes each, so you get a little more time with each person, but do not get to meet everyone.     
We welcome your ideas and ways to improve our events so feel free to contact us at 718-757-6933 or 516-908-9638.
Click here to Signup and SPIN for a chance to win a FREE Speed Dating Event!

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