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Queens Tribune- September 6, 2005

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This a newspaper article about Jay, founder of WeekendDating, who is organizing a speed dating event for men in uniform at Lucky's of Bayside. The event aims to raise money for victims of the Sept. 11 terror attacks and soldiers killed or injured in the Iraq War. The article mentions that there will be uniformed officers and women participating in the event, with a mix of nurses, airline stewardesses, and even a female firefighter. The cost is $40 per person, with proceeds going to various charities. The event will feature four-minute dates for single males and females in specific age ranges. Interested males can sign up on the WeekendDating.com website or contact Jay Rosensweig, the founder of the event.

Titled "Uniformed Officers Looking For Lucky's," the article delves into the intricacies of a unique speed dating event hosted by Lucky's, a beloved local bar known for its vibrant atmosphere and unwavering support for worthy causes.

As depicted in the article, this exceptional gathering promises an eclectic mix of participants, including uniformed officers and an array of accomplished women ranging from nurses to airline stewardesses and even a female firefighter. Such diversity underscores the inclusivity and vibrancy of the event, fostering an environment ripe for meaningful connections and heartfelt conversations. Against the backdrop of Lucky's vibrant ambiance, attendees are poised to embark on a series of four-minute dates tailored to specific age ranges, facilitating the exploration of potential chemistry and compatibility.

The article further accentuates the philanthropic essence of the event, with proceeds from the $40 admission fee allocated to various charitable endeavors. Through this act of collective giving, participants not only partake in a memorable evening of socializing but also contribute to the welfare of deserving individuals and causes. Interested male participants are invited to register on the WeekendDating.com website or reach out directly to Jay Rosensweig, whose unwavering dedication to fostering connections and supporting the community underscores the profound impact of this exceptional initiative.

In essence, "Uniformed Officers Looking For Lucky's" epitomizes the intersection of romance, philanthropy, and community spirit, encapsulating the essence of WeekendDating.com's commitment to orchestrating events that transcend the boundaries of traditional matchmaking.

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